Women and risks of heart disease

A study by leading french exprerts has found that women are more likely to die during the month following a heart attack than men. According to the study, women are far less likely than men to get angiography performed than men. Angiography is a procedure that uses dye to look at the blood vessels and find any clots that may exist. When blockages are found, angioplasty is performed to open the blockage. Researchers say that women should be given the same invasive procedures as men to significantly lower their risk of death from heart disease.

It is known for a long time that heart attack symptoms in women are different than those experienced by men. There are a number of stories from women, who say they've been treated differently than men when they check into the ER. Doctors have often told women their chest pain and symptoms are anxiety-related, rather than testing for the real cause - heart disease.

Heart disease is the number one killer of American women. This could change when health care professionals begin to treat women equally to men. As with most things, most of the studies done on heart disease have frequently not included women.

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