Climacteric and impotence: do not put an equal sign

It is widely agreed that the male climacteric and impotence are two conditions that predetermine each other, i.e. if the man started climax, this necessarily means that his sexual activity will soon start to decrease until disappearing entirely. This idea is completely wrong. Climacteric and impotence are not linked.

Experts define two types of impotence. The first is situational, ie failure of the man is connected with a sexual partner or from a specific situation. The second is organic - it develops because of the lack of hormones or neprohodimostta result of the blood vessels.

Neither man is certainly insured against impotence. It can catch up unexpectedly the 25 years young as well as the elderly men. As to the climax, the extinction of sexual activity is not quick but gradual and sometimes rather difficult to observe in everyday life process. That is why most men experience it relatively easy.

According to the sexologists, men who are characterized by strong sexual temperament and constitution, preserve their sexual activity in old age. Moreover, they are usually able to have children until the end.
Data show that nearly half of men, celebrating their 70th anniversary, if desired, are able to perform intercourse and deliver pleasure of their partner.

However, one should not be ashame and try to end sexual problems with some herbal extra help:

Vitamins A, B and Iron: Benefits and dosage

• Benefits: Data from some studies are contradictory, but conventional wisdom is that a regular intake of B6, B12 and folic acid (B5) may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and possible stroke.
In addition, if older people show symptoms of dementia, the levels of vitamin B12 in blood must be examined . Although in rare cases the deficit may be the reason for this condition.
• Why you need ...... more: Only 10-20% of people over 50 years to obtain the necessary amount of vitamin B12 - age production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach decreases, but it is necessary for absorption of B12.
• Proper dosage: 400 mcg folic acid, vitamin B6 1.5 mg and 2.4 mg vitamin B12.

Additives to avoid
• Why you need less: Reduced use of iron in the period after menopause are attributed to the cessation of the cycle - a woman no longer
lose iron during menstruation. Therefore, the recommended daily intake for women over the age of 50 is 8 mg, and almost all of it furnished her with food. Good sources of iron are meat, eggs, fish, dried fruits and legumes.
• Excessive intake without risks: The additional consumption of iron can cause the occurrence of side effects such as nausea, fatigue and shortness of breath. Even there is some evidence that excessive intake of this mineral increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin A
• Why you need less: vitamin A needs for after 50 years of age are not high and in most cases the required amount is obtained from food. Many vegetables contain beta-carotene which the body turns into vitamin A. Therefore, a cup of carrots, broccoli, cauliflower or tomatoes is ample to fill daily needs.
• Excessive intake without risks: The best source of vitamin A is beta-carotene in vegetables rather than tablets. Recent studies conclude that increased intake of vitamin A may increase the risk of cancer in the elderly, especially in smokers. Maximum daily dose is 10 000 IU. (A)

Multi Vitamins for Her. Take care of your body, because beauty and health aren't to be taken for granted!

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Less calories, less risk of diabetes

Does sugar itself is the basis of the disease?
No, sugar is not directly cause disease in diabetes. But who swallows too many daily calories, it increases the risk of diabetes significantly. Especially for fat rule states: restrict them and instead use a quality animal vegetable fats.

What happens in our body for diabetes?
Fat cells it does not respond properly to insulin. Using this hormone sugar take with food breaks down and is covered by cells and thus becomes a source of energy. At the beginning of the pancreas (pancreas) is trying to counterbalance the decline in insulin action, by producing more and more of this hormone. But eventually wear out the pancreas is so much that can not deliver enough insulin. The result is that blood sugar stays too.

How to take type 1 diabetes?
In this type of diabetes is concerned about hereditary disease of the immune system. Antibodies in preventing pancreatic body to produce insulin. In type 1 diabetes from the outset in the body has an absolute deficiency of insulin. The disease can be activated and now suddenly more mature. Sufferers of type 1 diabetes need to end their lives by insulin, which needs to set daily by injection.

What is type 2 diabetes?
It occurs in people over 40 and usually called neinsulinozavisim because insulin is not mandatory for all patients. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas produces insulin, but not in normal range. Glucose can not enter the cells and remained persistently elevated.

What are the warning signs?
Strong thirst, fatigue, frequent urination, sores that do not heal, and sudden acute sense of hunger - these are symptoms of diabetes, but they can also be quite inconspicuous in the beginning. Particular caution is safe, however, where many sufferers napalneyat and abdominal circumference in women becomes more than 88 cm, and males over 102 cm This reduces the fat accumulated inside the action of insulin and leads to diabetes.

Why is diabetes so dangerous?
High levels of sugar in the blood vascular compromise. The risk of a stroke in diabetic patients is three times higher for a heart attack is five times higher than in healthy people. In this disease can affect vision and kidney damage.

How is it diagnosed? Make a blood test to check the sugar content in it. Normal blood glucose values are:
Fasting: between 4-7 mmol / l
2 hours after meals: between 5-8 mmol / l
Bedtime: no less than 6 mmol / l
Recent research, however, indicate that diabetes can develop and lower than those values.

What is the treatment?
Try this herbal product, NO SIDE EFFECTS

Overweight increases risk of developing pancreatic cancer

Young people, which are overweight are at increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer .
Observing the relation between Body Mass Index (BMI) and risk of pancreatic cancer, researchers from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston found that young people with overweight and obesity are more likely to advanced disease and that obese people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer have a shorter survival period. The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
Notwithstanding the authors found a trend noted: "We do not yet know enough about the relationship between obesity and risk of developing pancreatic cancer, and that at which stage of human life profound changes in weight can affect her. Team is examined the case according watching 2 groups - one group was composed of 841 patients with pancreatic cancer and one of 754 healthy people, broken down by age, gender and race.
Height, weight and other health indicators were collected at periodic meetings, the beginning and it was placed when the participants were between 14 and 19 years. Data were collected throughout their lives. So scientists have been able to trace the relationship between BMI and the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, at what age the first symptoms occur and what the life expectancy of patients.
People with Body Mass Index (weight in kilograms divided by height in m2) from 25 to 29.9 standard are classified as those with overweight and those with BMI of 30 or more have varying degrees of obesity.
The results showed that overweight people aged between 14 and 39 years and those between 20 obese and 49 there is a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer, whether they had diabetes or not. The relationship between the increase in BMI by 5 units and the risk of pancreatic cancer was more pronounced in men than in women.
Those who were once smokers have shown a marked correlation between the increase in BMI by 5 units and the risk of pancreatic cancer than those who have not smoked. Development of pancreatic cancer in people with overweight or obese, who have never smoked was 10.3 percent, while same dependence in smokers is 21.3 percent. In obese people carcinoma was proven by an earlier age.
The authors concluded that "overweight and obesity in young adulthood is associated with increased risk of pancreatic cancer and that people with obesity and cancer have demonstrated a shorter period of experience. Council they should be taken with a weight.

Prevent overweight! Look like a supperstar!

To be young even after 50

Facts based on research about what to accept and what to avoid.

Most people do not take extra vitamins and minerals in earlier age. And this is in most cases normal - a varied diet and the young body do enough for one to be healthy. But with the

mid age there come the various ailments, which make us think. And all the doctors will recommend us - the additional vitamins and minerals not only provide the necessary nutrients

in sufficient quantities, but also allow for a longer and better life. For example, additional calcium and vitamin D is mandatory for all women over the age of 50. Data from clinical trials

show that most adult women fail to obtain the necessary amounts of calcium and vitamin D from the every day food. However, everyone should be very concerned about what does

one put in his mouth. Some food additives can be particularly dangerous if they exceed the recommended doses. Consumption of too much calcium, for example, may increase the

risk of kidney stones, and excessive intake of magnesium - can cause dangerously low blood pressure.

Here is what the latest studies show on what to avoid and what to consume:

Vitamin D
• Benefits: sufficient vitamin D levels decrease dramatically - by 30 to 50 percent risk of colon cancer, breast and esophagus. It is believed that the vitamin inhibits the growth of

cancer cells and activates the immune system to fight infections.
• Why you need more: Less than 10% of women over the age of 50 obtain the recommended doses of vitamin D in food, studies show. Good food sources are egg yolk, oily fish, milk, dairy foods and green leafy vegetables.
Another way to increase vitamin D levels in the body is the prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Taking the recommended daily dose of vitamin D strengthens muscles and leads to significant pain relief for muscles and bones by at least half the people who suffer from these symptoms.
•Proper dosage: 1000 IU per day.

• Benefits: This mineral maintains healthy bones, and it is also necessary for normal functioning of muscles and nerve system.
According to several studies the additional intake of calcium reduces the risk of developing polyps in the colon that can cause cancer.
• Proper dosage: Up to 500 mg twice daily, even if you are already taking osteoporosis drugs.


• Benefits: Survey conducted recently by Harvard University shows that people with adequate levels of magnesium have significantly lowered risk of type 2 diabetes. Furthermore,

preliminary clinical studies show that magnesium supplements lower blood pressure.
• Why you need more: A recent study shows that magnesium deficiency is more common in adults than in young, because absorption of magnesium from food decreases with age.

Moreover, some of the most commonly used antibiotics and diuretics reduce the ability of intestinal mucosa to absorb magnesium.
• Proper dosage: Select complex multivitamin and mineral that contains magnesium up to 350 mg. More than this amount can cause diarrhea in susceptible people.

More to come... Vitamins A, B, Iron

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